10 Brilliant Ideas on Writing and Work
I was lucky enough to find a writing coach and editor in the early part of my career who invested in me, let me borrow his books, and nurtured my curiosity about all things writing, editing, and publishing. Over the years, I’ve developed a wide network of writer/editor friends with whom I’ve received and exchanged […]
Communications & Systems Change
This piece was originally published at The Outside in May 2019. After working with Tuesday Ryan-Hart and Tim Merry and the team at The Outside on a few change projects this year, I joined Tuesday and Tim to co-write this piece on why a systems change approach to communications matters. Communications work is a vital piece of […]
Flip the Pattern of Erasing Women, Give Women Credit for their Work Every Chance You Get
“The only way you learn how to flip things is to just flip them.” – Julia Child Why does it matter when you use someone else’s work without giving them credit? Especially a woman’s work? Until recently, I didn’t hear much about this problem for whatever reason. Then all of a sudden I felt like […]
How We Benefit from Women-Led Systems of Influence
There’s a difference between women stepping up into leadership and women stepping up into leadership together. I’m infinitely more interested in the latter because it means finding ways to work together while allowing for deep points of difference. It also means creating new knowledge together, which is energizing for everyone. My first real foray into […]
The Different Life Trajectories of Women-Led Startups
The problem when you leave a gender equity lens out of entrepreneurship or business development isn’t that men don’t create good businesses; to echo Buffett, it’s that you create the conditions for essentially wasting half the world’s talent. You stop businesses from being the best they can be, you stop ideas that happen to come from women before they get off the ground.
There’s a Conversation Brewing About Power that Needs #MoreVoices
How do we practice new power behaviors at work (in our for-profit and nonprofit organizations and in the way we interact with each other)? What can women and other marginalized groups bring to this conversation that help move this conversation along so it has its greatest impact? How do we make visible work that historically has been made invisible or devalued?
Women Would Be Crazy to Lead (Lead Anyway)
There’s the cult of productivity ethic that tells you to do more, always more, for who knows what reason, often to your detriment. And then there’s going out and doing what you really want to do as a human being on this planet, day to day and in the long-term. These are different things.